
In stock
  • Monatlinsen
  • Farblinsen
  • Silicone Hydrogel
  • 14.20mm
  • 8.60mm
  • Lotrafilcon B


AIR OPTIX® COLORS contact lenses create a beautiful look that blends naturally with any eye color—whether you have dark eyes or light, whether you need vision correction or not. These breathable* contact lenses provide stunning eye color and outstanding comfort.Plus, their monthly replacement schedule is easy to remember.

Colors Contact lens Air Optix Colors are made for more oxygen in your eyes - for white, healthy eyes. They have very smooth, durable surface to the residue and 33% water content. Contact Lens Air Optix Colors have patented construction which helps to maintain moisture for long, so that you have less dry eyes during use. 

Available in 9 colors: Pure Hazel, Blue, Green, Gray, Brown, Honey, Brilliant Blue, Gemstone Green and Sterling Gray.

Lens Diameter: 14.2mm
Radius of Curvature: 8.6mm
Oxygen Permeability: 138 Dk/t

2 colored silicone lenses package (a pair)

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