
Available in 7-10 days
  • Monatlinsen
  • Torische Linsen
  • Silicone Hydrogel
  • 14.50mm
  • 8.60mm
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Bausch & Lomb ULTRA for Astigmatism monthly contacts were designed to bring you maximum daily comfort, moisture, and clarity.
If you have astigmatism and are tired of dry eyes caused by staring at screens or experience discomfort due to shifting toric lenses, then B & L Ultra contact lenses are for you! 

These lenses feature best-in-class oxygen transmissibility for a noticeably more breathable and comfortable wear and provide stable, consistently clear vision for toric users.Bausch & Lomb ULTRA lenses provide all-day comfort and consistently clear vision using two proprietary technologies MoistureSeal and OpticAlign that you won't find on any other brand of astigmatism contact lenses.

Newly released in 2017, experience the latest in toric contact lens technology to get you through the day:
MoistureSeal® technology maintains 95% of lens moisture for 16 hours to keep your eyes feeling comfortable.OpticAlign™ design provides orientation marks on the contact lenses to help you align the right fit for stability and visual clarity.OpticAlign is also optimized to reduce halos and glare for clearer night time driving.

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