TOTAL30 3p



In stock
  • Monatlinsen
  • Einweglinse
  • Silicone Hydrogel
  • 14.20mm
  • 8.40mm
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Reusable contact lenses are overdue for innovation

Two Powerful Innovations (video)
Water Gradient lasts for a full 30 daysTOTAL30® contact lenses feature a core water content of 55%, while the outermost surface approaches 100% water for outstanding comfort.

Unique Lens Chemistry

CELLIGENT® Technology uses biomimetic features to help resist bacteria and lipid deposits.
Water Gradient delivers superior softness and superior lubricity
- Lower Surface Modulus- Greater Surface Lubricity

Water Gradient enables superior in vitro lens-surface moisture stability
In an in vitro study, TOTAL30® contact lenses demonstrated superior lens-surface moisture stability vs. other reusable brands.
CELLIGENT® Technology biomimics the corneal surface (video)
TOTAL30® is the first and only monthly replacement contact lens to mimic the human eye's cellular surface structure. 
CELLIGENT® Technology helps resist lipid and bacterial adherence.

Material: Lehfilcon A
Diameter (mm): 14.2
Dk/t: 154
Base Curve (mm): 8.4
Center Thickness: 0.09
Core Modulus (MPa): 0.6
Light Properties: Class I UV absorption and HEVL filtration
Surface water content: 100%
Core water content: 55%

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